Save Money by Finalizing Your Divorce This Year
If you’re thinking about filing for divorce, it may be in your best interest financially to talk with a San Diego men’s divorce attorney now about the possibility of fast tracking your case before the year is out. Recent Tax Legislation includes huge changes that could have long-lasting impact. The men’s divorce lawyers at the Men’s Legal Center in San Diego can guide you through the entire divorce process. Why Divorcing in 2018 Can Save You Money! Among the areas impacted by the new legislation are spousal support, property taxes and deductions based upon the number of children you have. Spousal support no longer tax deductible for divorces filed after 2018. For all divorces finalized after Dec. 31, 2018, spousal support will no longer be eligible for tax deductible for the paying person. However, as long as your divorce is finalized in 2018, you will still be able to claim the deduction for the foreseeable future – even if y...