Keep Control over Your Split with a Collaborative Divorce

A growing trend among couples ready to go their separate ways is to work together through a collaborative divorce. A key feature of this approach is that you don’t even have to appear in a courtroom to finalize the divorce.

Here, the San Diego Divorce Attorneys with the Men’s Legal Center will talk about the benefits of a collaborative divorce, and how it works.

Collaborative Divorce at a Glance
While it’s much like a traditional divorce, a huge difference with the collaborative option is that it’s non-adversarial in nature. It’s a hybrid between a traditional divorce and meditation.
Instead, you and your soon-to-be former spouse or partner will work with others (financial experts, therapists, etc.) to settle any differences the two of you may have.

Unlike mediation, which is if often begun after the divorce process has itself started, you begin the collaborative divorce with the signing of a contract that states you agree to settle your issues beyond a courtroom.

The Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce
It’s not unusual for a traditional divorce to take months or even years, depending on how far apart both parties are on issues that need to be settled.

That’s not the case with a collaborative divorce. By nature, both parties are working together to resolve their differences as quickly as possible. As a result, the divorce is usually completed within the mandatory six-month waiting period.

Other benefits of a collaborative divorce include:

  • Unlike many mediation cases, you still have guiding assistance from your lawyer during a collaborative divorce
  • You avoid the courtroom (all necessary paperwork is handled by your lawyer)
  • The amount of stress and anxiousness is greatly reduced
  • You and your spouse or partner retain all control over the terms of your agreement
  • It’s more affordable because your case isn’t being litigated
  • Your privacy is maintained because you decide what is included in your final divorce documents.
To learn more about collaborative divorce in California, speak with the San Diego divorce attorneys at the Men’s Legal Center. 

We understand that many people may experience feelings of intimidation and fear when thinking about the prospect of a long, drawn out divorce process. While it was initially created about 20 years ago, the idea of a collaborative divorce is one that has gained a lot of traction.

We’ve seen first-hand the feeling of relief experienced by many California couples as they peacefully resolve issues like support, child custody, the division of the marital estate and other details.
Rest assured that as you negotiate during a collaborative divorce, you can have one attorney representing both parties or you both can have your own lawyers present throughout the discussions.
Before deciding this is the pathway for you and your spouse or partner, it’s best to make sure you understand all the nuances of a collaborative divorce. For that, we invite you to get in touch with us here at the Men’s Legal Center.

For a free phone consultation, call us at 619-234-3838. You can also reach us via email and online.


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